Those Who Tell White Lies End Up In A White Hell - written by Alfred (a short story for kids)

Once upon a time, in a nice home in the suburbs; Cynthia’s Mum spun around in her new dress in front of 11 years old Cynthia and asked, “So, what do you think of my new dress. Isn’t it just Lovely?”   
“Er.. Yes! it is it.” Cynthia answered.   
“Isn’t the design simply marvelous?”   
“Yes it is”, Cynthia answered again. Cynthia could see the really big stain behind the dress. She felt like she should tell her Mum or something, but it wasn’t anything that a little soap and water couldn’t wash off so she figured that there was no point in getting her Mum all worried about it and ruining her really joyfully mood. Besides, without the stain; the dress really was lovely.   
Cynthia’s Mum went on raving about how beautiful the dress is and Cynthia was always ready to give a supportive word about just how awesome the dress is.   
Suddenly, Cynthia’s Mum said; “Oh – My! Look at the time, I have to run out and pick up something to cook lunch from the super market.” Cynthia’s Mum immediately turned to leave Cynthia’s room.   
“You mean you are going out right now in that dress?” Cynthia asked with a surprised tone.   
“Yes. What’s wrong with the dress? You just said it was lovely a few seconds a ago”, Cynthia’s Mum asked with a shocked expression on her face.   
“Nothing is wrong with the dress.” At this point Cynthia felt that she really should tell her Mum. But … “Your dress is really wonderful Mum.”   
“Then why don’t you want me to leave the house in this dress?”   “I don’t want you to not leave the house in your dress. I think you should leave the house in your dress. I think your dress is great.”, Cynthia said.   
“Ok!” Mum said slowly and with curiosity. Then as she turned to leave, Cynthia got another clear view of the stain on the back of her mother’s dress.   
“What now Cynthia?”, Cynthia’s Mum asked with a hint of exhaustion in her voice as she is turned around to look at her daughter.   
Cynthia felt the Holy Ghost telling her it wasn’t too late to tell her mother the truth. It wasn’t too late to save her mother from embarrassment if only she would refuse to lie one more time. “Nothing Mum. I was just wondering if I could come along with you.”   Cynthia’s Mum brightened up. “Of Course you can.”   
Minutes later, Cynthia and her Mum where out the front door. Cynthia thought that her Mum was going to use the car but her Mum said that she preferred to walk that the walk would do her legs some good and so would it do Cynthia too who had been in sitting down and reading in her room all day. Cynthia’s Mum also added that walking would give everyone an opportunity to see her beautiful dress.   
Cynthia tried to convince her mother to take the car but when her Mum asked her why she was so unusually bent on her taking the car today when it is just a walking distance and Cynthia had to manufacture another lie to cover up her true reason why she wanted her Mum to use the car.   
Cynthia couldn’t believe what was happening. One little white lie had triggered a chain of other lies that grew bigger and fatter every time. Cynthia had already begun to observe the strange looks that people where giving her Mum when they saw the large stain on her dress.All the way to the super market and back that day Cynthia’s Mum kept getting strange looks from many people and whenever Cynthia’s Mum wondered why people where looking at her that way, Cynthia would have to make up another lie to cover up her last lie.   After they had finished shopping and they got back home, Cynthia’s Mum went into the kitchen with all the stuff she had bought, while Cynthia fell into a chair in the living room and started thinking about all that had happened that day. She was glad that it was all over. She had managed to successful cover up every lie she had told. She had managed to save her own skin.   
Suddenly, Cynthia figured out that her Mum would want to change into her house clothes before she starts cooking. When she takes off the dress she would certainly see the stain. “Uh – Oh!”   Right at that moment Cynthia heard her mother scream her name from Mummy and Daddy’s bedroom so loudly that it felt like the very foundations of the building were shaking.   
Uh – Oh! is right. Somebody was in big trouble. And that somebody would get a big spanking.


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