Lord, I Need Your Help My Daddy Fell Into A Coma - written by Alfred (a short story for kids)

Once upon a time there lived a rough teenage boy named Collin. He didn’t believe in God and he loathed any attempt by anyone to tell him about God, especially attempts made by his father.
Collin’s Dad kept trying and trying to bring his son to Christ but his son just won’t let go of his hatred for God. He was extremely mad at God. He was mad at his Dad too because his Dad only showed up in his life a year after his Mum died and he had had to live on the rough and merciless streets since her death.   
Collin’s Dad came saying he had just become a Christian and he wants to make amends and that he now realizes what a mistake it was for him to walk out on Collin and his mother.
No matter what Collin’s Dad did for Collin to get him to forgive him and also to accept Christ, it only seemed to make Collin hate God more. Even though he now lived in a large house with his Dad he continually did what he had always done, but this time he did it in rebellion.   
He ran with the wrong crowd and he soon joins a gang.   
His Dad finds out weeks later and is devastated.   
In anger, he tracks down the secret location where the gang has meetings and bursts into one of their meetings and in anger started shouting at them and told them to stay away from his son.
Collin’s Dad ends up getting severely stabbed by the gang members. Collin tried to stop them but all his efforts to protect his Dad where in vain. When one of them stabbed Collin too, Collin’s eyes started to clear up a little and he could now see who his real friends where. His real friends were definitely not the gang members around him. All he had was family and his last family relative – his Dad lay at his feet fighting for his life totally covered in stab wounds all because of him.   
Collin announced in anger that he was going to retire from the gang right there and then and as the gang members stepped forward to beat him because according to the rules their is no such thing as out, Collin flicked on a lighter and threw it into nearby gallon of a highly flammable fuel. He had set fire on the gang’s secret hide out. In the commotion, Collin escaped, partially carrying his wounded father who was using what was left of this strength to help his son help him get away.   
Hours later, Collin’s Dad was lying in a hospital in a coma.   Collin has nothing else to do but to call on God.   
He tries to recall everything his Dad had ever told him about God. He was also under major pressure because he knows that for turning away from the gang the gang would have revenge by getting at him to kill him and his dad also.   
Collin prays and prays. The praying that his father did that he detested was now what he did or at least was trying to do. He needed a miracle.   
Collin ran to a church and told the pastor everything. The pastor counseled him, lead him to Christ and went to the hospital with him to pray for his father. The Pastor also used his influence to get the police to protect Collin and his Dad.   
The pastor put Collin in a program for recovering gang members and by the time Collin was out of the months long program, his Dad had woken up from the coma.   
Collin rushed to his father’s side with tears in his eyes. He threw his arms around him and said’ “Father, I’m sorry for everything. I have been a fool. I know you are sorry you left me and Mum. I forgive you for that. I know you love me. Now I ask that you forgive me for the many times I’ve turned down your love since you returned.”   
Tears were now flowing down Collin’s Dad’s cheeks like the perfect picture of a spring in the mountains of paradise.   
“I do son. I love you more than you can ever imagine.”   
This is so much like God’s love for us. God loves us so much that in-spite of our many transgressions he still loves us. Even when you do not love him, he still loves you and when you are ready to come to him, he rushes out with open arms to accept you into his kingdom. God loves us all. God is love. 


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