Everybody Has The Right To Believe Whatever They Want To Believe - written by Alfred (a short story for kids)

Once upon a time Jimmy and Nancy’s Dad paused outside the senate house to take in a long breathe of fresh air before he was going to take his next step forward.
He taught about his two wonderful kids and his lovely wife who had an awesome heart. He was doing this for them. He wasn’t just doing it for them alone but he was doing it for the country and maybe even the whole world.
He was blessed to have a family that loved him, and he was blessed to be able to provide for them and be grateful that they live in a free country where people have basic human rights. And he was determined to keep it that way.
Jimmy and Nancy’s Dad was a very important senator and what happens next after he walks into the senate house would determine if the nation would remain free or not.
The fight was on a very controversial issue that had resorted in mass riot and chaos recurring over and over again amongst different belief groups, religious groups and schools of thoughts became an almost daily thing. There was sure to be at least three major riots happening every week. And now, Jimmy and Nancy’s Dad had the power to change that. He believed if he succeeded in convincing the senate to pass the law which promoted his idea which was the solution then all the trouble would go away and he can be sure of a secure future for his kids and for his nation.
The problem was that there were others believed in ideas conflicting to his to be the solution.
There were those who didn’t want everybody to have the right to believe what they want to believe but don’t have a reason.
There were those who believed that they should select the religions that they want to exist and abolish every other one.
And there were those who believed that all religions should be merged into one.   
Each one believed that their idea was the ultimate solution.
Jimmy and Nancy’s Dad’s idea however was different. 
He believed that everybody should have the right believe whatsoever they wanted to believe.
He remember when he told his kids his idea when they asked him what he taught the solution to the problem in their country was.
When he told them he could still remember his daughter saying that he was wrong, that the solution to the problem of her country is LOVE.
He remembered laughing and looking at his cute little daughter and telling her that life is more complicated than she is capable of understanding right now. 
That the answer to such great and complex a problem could not be that simplistic.   
Jimmy and Nancy’s Dad snapped back into the present. He had to handle the matter at hand. He had to win this debate. He had to sell the senate on his idea.   
He finished taking his long breathe of fresh air to summon up the courage and strength. Then he took the next step forward.
Many tense hours later, Jimmy and Nancy’s Dad came out of the senate house a victor. He had succeeded in convincing the senate that his idea is the way to go to solve their nations problems. He had convinced them to sign it into law that everybody now had the right to believe whatsoever it is that they wanted to believe. Now there would be peace and all religious groups would get along under the new law of the land.
Jimmy and Nancy’s Dad and his supporters had a huge celebration party that day.
Jimmy and Nancy’s Dad woke up the next morning and turned on the News. There finally would be peace at last.
He almost choked on his coffee as he saw what he saw on TV.
There was a new riot and thanks to the new law the police couldn’t do anything about it because the new law actually protected the riot. 
Since everybody had the right to believe whatsoever they wanted to believe someone started a new religion that believed its followers should riot and resort to violence to protest two other religions they did not like whenever they saw them gather together to worship. As Jimmy and Nancy’s Dad sat there looking at the TV in shock, his 7 year old son, Jimmy asks him; “I taught that you said that there would be no more fighting and the world would be a better place if you won the senate over?”
9 year old Nancy came to Dad holding her cute little children’s bible and with, “I TOLD YOU SO” written all over her face. And then she said, “I told you that there is only one simple answer to every human problem and that answer is LOVE. Yet you were arguing with me that the answer of somethings in life aren’t that simple. If you had proposed Love as the answer to the senate and you and your friends made LOVE the law of the land and anything ‘anti – Love’ illegal; would they still be fighting today?”


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