You Never Take Me Out To Dinner : romantic short stories for married couples

 Andrew was angry that his wife; Julie was angry that he didn’t want to take her out for dinner. He complained that she’s always asking him to take her out for dinner. And she complains in return that each time she tells him to take her out for dinner he never does.

The whole house was cold and they barely talked to each other the rest of that evening. They both got in bed to sleep at opposite ends of the bed that night.

Julie was very very angry. But she didn’t want the sun to go down on her anger so she talked to the Holy Spirt to please help her calm down. But the Holy Spirit does something even better. He gives her an idea. An idea that brought a smile to her face that sprouted from the bottom of her heart.

The next day as Andrew wakes up Julie is nowhere to be found. Andrew sees a note beside his bed that says that she went out early to visit her sister and she can’t really say when she would be back.

Beside the note was a recipe of what he was to cook for himself for breakfast.

When Julie returned in the evening she found her husband sweating like an ice cube in an oven. He looked like he had been wrestling with dragons and dinosaurs. He had been trying to prepare breakfast all morning with the recipe she gave him and even though it was evening now, it still looked like he would need 6 more hours before the sad excuse for food he was cooking would be ready.

As soon as Andrew saw her he said, “Honey, I’ve been a fool. A very big one. And I’m Sorry. Please, would you like to go out to dinner with me tonight?”


The End.

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