There Is Something About The Things You Do : a short story for kids by Alfred

 Once upon a time in a city much like the one you live in right now, there lived a man named Bob.

Bob was married to a beautiful that his wife excelled in everything that she did. She was full of wisdom, full of love and full of kindness. Without her he knew he was finished.

Bob tried all he could to measure up. He did what he saw his wife do. He studied his wife carefully. He even enrolled in self-help seminars but no matter what he did, he never could measure up to his wife.

Bob’s problem wasn’t that his wife was a better person and more successful than he was. The problem was that Bob knew there was something about his wife – something that he couldn’t put a finger on that made his wife so splendid.

Bob later got fed up and asked his wife what it was. She told him that it was because of her relationship with God, that the deeper it gets, the better a person she becomes.

“Impossible!!!,” Bob cried out. He didn’t think that a healthy relationship with God can have a meaningful effect on anybody’s life.

Kate was serious about her relationship with God, while Bob was just a ‘Sunday – Sunday Christian’ – a person whose only link with Christianity was the fact that he went to church every Sunday Morning.

Kate thought she had heard the end of it, but Bob was just getting warmed up. He was going to investigate till he got to the bottom of it.

Bob hired an assistant for his wife. He made sure he hired a strong atheist so it would decrease the chances of the assistant converting to Christianity and adopting his wife’s Christian beliefs. But he also made sure that the atheist was a fast learner who was also willing to learn, that way he would have somebody close to his wife who wouldn’t become a Christian yet would learn to do that secret thing that his wife did that made her so spectacular.

After weeks past, Bob noticed that the assistant didn’t have that special thing his wife had that made everything she lay her hand on turn out excellent.

Bob cooked up a reason and fired the assistant. He hired another one hoping she would do better than the last one and thereby prove his theory to be right. However, the same thing happened.

12 assistants came and went but things still remained the same. As a matter of fact it was only one assistant who his wife converted to Christianity that actually started having that excellence that his wife had.

His own experiment had proved him wrong.

Bob decided to take his relationship with God more seriously, just to see what would happen.

It turned out that the deeper Bob got into a relationship with God, the more he enjoyed it. He became sincere about it and enjoyed it so much that he forgot that the reason he began to take God seriously was for experimental purposes, until his friends started telling him what he had been saying about his wife all along: everything he lay his hand on to do turned out excellently well.

Bob was now sure beyond a shadow of a doubt that the deeper your relationship with God becomes, the more excellence the works of your hand become.



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