Tell Her That She’s Beautiful, Everyday : romantic short stories for married couples

 Ben was always complaining about how his wife Janet spends too much time and money going to the saloon and also about how she would delay him with her applying make up anytime they wanted to go out together.

The problem really bothered Ben but Ben’s friends told him that it’s just something that wives do. However, Ben still complained about it pretty often.

One day, Janet had a lot of places to go. She ran down the list of all the places he had to go to that day. About two of them were beauty related and so in Ben’s eyes it seemed to be all the list was about.

After she got back, Ben’s father showed up for a surprise visit.

Janet ran around the house, cooked and did every thing possible to make Ben’s Dad fill comfortable. After that she said she was going to the salon and she left for the salon.

Ben couldn’t believe that his wife just left for the saloon. He complained about it to his father who was sitting beside him.

His father looked at him and said, “It was the same way with your mother. I wasn’t pleased about how she would spend all the time in the world in front of a mirror when we had important appointment. It really pissed me off with your mother. But I wished I realized it early. When a woman spends her time and her money trying to look beautiful she is doing it for her man too. Your wife it not just making herself look good for her but she’s also making herself look good for you. She’s doing it for you to. In a sense it is almost a gift from her to you. You should appreciate it. Cherish it. Be happy about it. It should even make you love her more. And when she’s through in front of the mirror or she comes back from the salon remember to tell her she is beautiful. As you look at her what you see is a reflection of how much what you truly wants influences her. What you see is proof of how much she cares about you. As a matter of fact, tell your wife that she is beautiful, everyday. I wish I told your mother that everyday. Now each time I look at her picture in my wallet and see how beautiful she was, I regret not using the opportunity I had everyday for 45 years to tell her that she’s beautiful. Son, don’t make the same mistake.”

What Ben’s Dad said went straight into his heart. Every word hit home. As he meditated on what his Dad just said he started to cry.

2 hours later, when his wife came back. Ben looked at his wife and saw what his father said. He saw how much she cared about him. He saw in a whole new light what the Bible meant when it said the woman is the glory of the man.

Ben was now looking at his wife with understanding. Then he said something that she never expected him to say after she had come back from a salon in all their 5 years of marriage: “HONEY! YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL.”

From that day on, Ben never let a day go by without him telling her that she is beautiful.


The End.

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