How Can He Love Me When I'm Fat? : romantic short stories for married couples

 Cynthia threw up in the toilet. She hated the smell that dug through her nostrils but what she hated more was what she saw when he looked into the mirror. She consciously avoided seeing her reflection in the mirror as she looked up.

"Mum, Dad is home", a voice called from outside the bathroom.

Cynthia quickly got herself together, "I'm coming", she replied. She quickly turned the other end of the tooth brush, put some toothpaste on it and did a 6 seconds brush. Then she rinsed her mouth, rinsed her brush, took one look at the bathroom mirror and grimaced. She adjusted her shirt, and then she walked out of the bathroom.

Cynthia was a beautiful lady. She had long flowing blonde hair and lovely blue eyes. She was a Christian and had actually been raised in the church. She had been blessed with a Christian husband and her and their two kids went to church every Sunday.

In-spite of all this, just like many Christians, Cynthia had an eye on the world. She loved to watch TV fashion shows, listen to so called beauty reports on TV, read all sorts of secular fashion and lifestyle magazines, and keep out to date with things of that nature.

Cynthia had her secret. A secret that she guarded from her husband with her life.

Her secret was Bulimia. Even though everyone said she wasn't overweight, the pictures in the magazines said she was overweight.

Cynthia kissed her husband and welcomed him into the house. It was Christmas season and he was the kind of man that always loved to bring home surprise gifts. He didn't believe in giving gifts only on Christmas day.

He gave a new toy car to his 5 year old little boy and a Christian Teen Novel to his 16 year old daughter. He gave his wife, Cynthia a beautiful dress. Feelings of insecurity came rushing back into Cynthia's stomach as she held the dress but she did her best to contain it and maintain a smile like she always did.

Cynthia remembered the conversations she'd had with her best friend. She had told her that she is beautiful. What's more she's already skinny therefore she doesn't need to feel like she needs to get more skinny. However, Cynthia couldn't understand what her friend was talking about. As far as she was concerned she was fat.

Cynthia had lived for years this way. After eating she would excuse herself from the table or wait for the best moment to use the best excuse to leave and she would go to the bathroom; stick the bottom end of the tooth brush in her mouth until it reaches the back of her throat and then she would throw up the food she just ate into the toilet. She couldn't risk getting fatter.

She had always hid what she did from her husband.

In her mind she did it for him. She had to be skinny for him. Everyone in the world knew skinny was beautiful, Cynthia would think. Therefore her husband who she loved so much knew that she wasn't beautiful because she was not as skinny as all the girls in the magazines even though he never said it.

One day, after eating. Cynthia excused herself from the table and went to the bathroom like she always did. 3 minutes later Cynthia was convulsing and trying to call out for help on the floor. Something had gone wrong when she struck the tooth brush against the back of the throat. She must have accidentally done something that really disturbed her digestive system.

30 minutes later, Cynthia lay on a hospital bed. The doctor had just finished treating her and she was now surrounded by her husband and two children. Her secret was out the bag.

Her husband told her that he had no idea that she felt insecure. He made her a promise that he would pay closer attention to her. He told her that she is beautiful. God made her beautiful and says that she is so who dare says that she isn't. Even though he did not say it out. He made a promise to himself that every morning he would tell her that she is beautiful.

It is not enough to know that your wife is beautiful. You have to tell her that she is as often as you think it everyday.

It is also not enough to know in your heart that you love your wife. You also have to look her in the eye every single day and tell her, "Honey, I love you", as often your heart dances for joy because of her.

Cynthia and her husband asked their children to excuse them, then they had a deep and honest talk about all her insecurities and a bunch of other things came out that neither of them ever had a clue about.

When Cynthia was discharged, her husband put her in a Christian counseling program and in months she was totally free from all insecurities. WHEN PERFECT LOVE STEPS IN, INSECURITIES STEP OUT. Hallelujah!

The End.

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