Evil Can Be Good If It Wants To : a short story for kids by Alfred

 Once upon a time, in a land far far away a little boy named Tony sat in his favorite chair in Sunday School. They were being taught not to trust witches that there was no such thing as a good witch, even though most movies and fictional writings entertained and upheld the concept of a good witch. The Sunday School teacher said that believing there could be good witches was like believing that Evil can be Good is it wants to; and that is just plain silly.

Tony and his best friend Matt were walking home after church when an old lady – a stranger called them. They both knew that they shouldn’t talk to strangers but they both answered. They soon found out that she was a witch and were about to run but she told them that she was a good witch. Matt said that it was impossible, that there was no such thing as a good witch and so he ran away but Tony stayed. The witch told Tony that people condemn her for being a witch just as people condemned black people for the color of their skin and not the content of their character. She complained that people do not even bother to take time to really look at her character and see that she’s good; all they care about is that she’s a witch and that becomes grounds for condemnation.

The witch offered to buy Tony some candy and comic books. On hearing this offer, Tony threw all suspicion out the window of his mind and followed her. While they were on their way to buy the candy and comic books, someone almost got hit by a van but the witch saved the person with her Telekinesis without revealing to anyone watching that she was the one that did it. Tony was in awe. She was just like a superhero; she saved a life and avoided taking credit for it. Wow! Anybody who does that is way cool - Anybody who does that cannot be evil.

By the time Tony walked out of the comic book store, he was sure that his Sunday School teacher was wrong about witches because the witch standing beside him just couldn’t be evil. She had just saved a life, honorably took no credit for it and had also bought him some candy and comic books.

The witch invited Tony to her home. Tony was like he would love to but he has to go home. He told her that he was even supposed to go home immediately after church.

The witch looked disappointed, shrugged and said, “I understand.” She then turned and walked away.

As Tony watched her walk away, he felt sorry for her. All her life she probably has been denied acceptance and company all because she’s different - all because she’s a witch and people can’t believe that witches can be good.

Tony felt so sorry for her that he could even feel the pain. He ran up to her and told her that he would be honored to pay her a visit.

She smiled. Then they headed for her home together.

When they got to her house she told him that she was going to make a special magic spell and she had spent a lot of time trying to get the final ingredient.

“What’s that?”, Tony asked curiously.

“The heart of a stupid little boy like you”, the witch answered.

Immediately, the witch pounced on Tony and stabbed him to death. She ripped out his heart and used it for her magic portion.

If only Tony had listened to his Sunday School teacher, it wouldn’t have cost him his life to learn that EVIL CANNOT BE GOOD EVEN IF IT WANTS TO.


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