All New Genes : a short story for kids by Alfred

 Once upon a time in a place called California. There lived an elderly man named Steve. He was a good man. Everybody who met him liked him as long as they were in their right minds.

He loved to give to the needy and he was always in Church every Sunday morning.

Recently, his wife and kids noticed there was something different about him. He was still a godly man but he was certainly different. Something had changed and his wife just couldn’t put her finger on it.

He was now more outgoing and adventurous. He always wanted to try out new things – experience new things – experience everything; just like an alien visiting our planet and is trying to experience everything on our planet in a hurry because it has to return to its planet in a few days.

Steve’s kids definitely taught their Dad was adopted by an alien. He was acting really strange.

His kids studied him inconspicuously at home, curious to see if he would show any signs even slightly similar to the aliens they’d seen in alien movies but they found no similarities.

Steve’s wife too tried all she could to figure out the change in her husband. She tried everything a wife does to try to get information from her husband. She cooked him extraordinary meals, she was extra nice to him, she didn’t bug him money to buy clothes, she didn’t bug him when he was watching sports on TV, she didn’t ask him if he taught she was fat, she even tried the famous trick of giving him a compliment every six hours but still, anytime she asked a question, to fish out even a clue as to why he had changed as in when was wrong, she always got an answer that made her more confused.

Steve’s wife brought up the topic to her friends in her book club and all sorts of suggestions as to the reason for Steve’s change popped up.

After the book club meeting, the words of the other women in the book club echoed in the head of Steve’s wife. It made her a little bit paranoid so she hired a private investigator to follow her husband.

The private investigator said that Steve’s wife would have to pay 200 dollars a week for his services. It was a drain in the pocket of Steve’s wife but she was too curious now. She was a little bit obsessed now. She just needed to know.

Steve continued acting strange. His wife just about had it when he said their kids should skip school so they could go as a family to Disneyland.

Steve’s wife was angry. She would come to the bottom of her husband’s sudden adventurous I must experience everything nature today. She couldn’t take it anymore. She couldn’t also take it anymore. She couldn’t also take paying 200 dollars a week anymore. So she sat Steve down and told him that none of them is going to leave the room until he tells her what’s going on.

Steve broke down and told his wife that the truth is that he is 45 years old like she already knows, but what she doesn’t know is that as far back as records could tell, no man in his lineage has ever lived past 46 years old. They all die on or before their 46th birthday. So he is doing all that he can to experience all the good things that life has to offer before he reaches his 46th birthday.

Steve’s wife bust out laughing. She was laughing and crying at the same time. She was laughing not because her husband sounded silly but because she knew something her husband didn’t know. And she was crying because she had been worried for nothing and had spent so much money on a private investigator for nothing.

Steve wasn’t finding it funny. He wanted to know what was so funny. He wanted to know why his wife was laughing when he would be dying in a few months.

Steve’s wife then explained to Steve that as Christians we are members of a new family. We are members of the family of God. We belong to a new genealogy so we are longer subject to the curses and generational medical conditions of our natural and biological genealogy. We are now part of the genealogy of Christ. We are now Jesus’ brethren. Jesus is our elder brother and God the father who is Jesus’ father is our father too. Now we can look up to heaven and say Abba Father without it being an insult to God because for real he is our father. We hail from him.

Steve understood what his wife said. She spoke with love and by the Spirit of God. Steve no longer had anything to be afraid of. He no longer feared dying on his 46th birthday. He belonged to a different family – a divine family – the family of God.

Steve’s wife also learnt an important lesson too – She learnt that you shouldn’t hire a private investigator to follow someone who trusts you to trust them, more importantly because it is an invasion of privacy.


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