All Men Are Dogs : romantic short stories for married couples

 Lisa wiped the tears off Elena's cheeks with her handkerchief. Her heart was filled with nothing but pity for her. She had just signed the divorce papers that her husband had served her. It was just so sad. Both Lisa and Elena had married in the same month of the same year. They both married 8 years ago and they were each other's chief bridesmaid at each other's wedding. Now Elena's marriage had hit a brick wall and it had totally crumpled to pieces.

Both Lisa and Elena where church going Christians. They never missed any Sunday or Midweek service and they truly enjoyed the sermons they heard in church.

Elena and her husband had gone for counseling in church right after he first mentioned divorce. But through out the counseling period that they didn't even finish, Elena's husband wasn't even paying attention. He had made up his mind. He was leaving her for his secretary.

Elena's husband wasn't even seriously about Christianity. To him, Christianity was just a really cool religion and if he was going to be part of any religion he might as well choose the one that his parents and grandparents where into.

Lisa sat on the balcony of her home that day spending all her time consoling her friend and being a shoulder for her to cry on.

Lisa felt fortunate. Even though she sincerely felt sad for her friend. She felt happy that her husband was still the same man she met and fell in love with from day one. It wasn't like she was feeling happy on the inside because her friend was feeling sad and she felt that she was better off than her friend. It wasn't that kind of feeling at all. It was the feeling of being blessed that she felt. It was a feeling that made her thank God in her heart that her marriage has been going strong and well for so many years. It's like when you see a poor person, and even though he pity for him or her, you are happy and grateful to God that you are not in that poor person's shoes.

Many weeks later, even though Elena wasn't crying as much, she was now able to cope and carry on the normal activities of her life.

One day, while Lisa and Elena talked. Lisa told Elena that she was concerned and worried about the fact that her husband had been working late a lot at the office and anytime he came back he acted different.

Elena convinces Lisa that she has to check it out. She can't be laid back about this. She has to take action and investigate what's going on.

Lisa hears the Holy Spirit telling her not to listen to Elena but Lisa is like it is worth checking out, and if it's truly not worth checking out then there is nothing to worry about and there is no need to not check it out because it won't change anything. Hence, she would check it out.

Lisa only ended up exhausting herself and playing little Mrs. Spy with her friend, Elena. Her husband comes out thoroughly clean. He was only working long hours because he was working long hours nothing else.

That tide passes and things go back to business as usual between Lisa and her friend.

A few days later, Lisa's husband said that he was going for a business trip and on the day that he was to go. A lady called his phone while he was in the shower so Lisa picked up the phone. When the lady on the other end discovered that it was Lisa on the phone, she kinda acted strangely and wanted to hang up but Lisa quickly asked if she can give her the message she wanted to give her husband so that she can deliver it to him herself but the lady on the other end says No! and hangs up.

Lisa felt something was not quite right. She felt like something fishy was going on. This may not be a real business trip. This may just be some sort of pleasure trip he is going on with some lady who has no dignity. None whatsoever.

Lisa doesn't tell her husband about the call. She deletes the record of the call from the list of incoming calls on his cellphone.

Later, after he had gone, Lisa tells Elena.

Lisa is torn between whether to cry about it OR to not jump to any conclusion about it and tell herself that there has to be a logical explanation for it.

Elena pushes Lisa to investigate. As far as she was concerned, all men are dogs and no matter how long they pretend not to be, it wouldn't take long before they show their true nature. 

Lisa and Elena ended up paying for flight tickets and going to another city for nothing. The woman that had called over the phone was a snub C.E.O that the company Lisa's husband works for appointed him to negotiate with to buy some products from that might as well save the company he works for.

Elena apologized to her friend for raising her suspicions so high.

Lisa was glad that her husband hadn't caught them. It would have started a whole other matter of distrust.

Life continued as usual between Lisa and Elena, until one day Elena saw a lipstick stain on Lisa's husband's shirt. When Lisa's husband was out of ear shot Elena drew Lisa's attention to it. When Lisa sees it she beings to accuse him of being unfaithful.

Lisa's husband is shocked. He then tells her that the lipstick on his shirt is hers. She had kissed him two days ago when he was wearing that shirt. She had forgotten.

Lisa then figures out that since she started listening to her friend telling her that her husband could be cheating on her, she had not been enjoying her husband like she'd always had. It is not like he stopped loving her but it was because she had stopped receiving his love with open arms because she was too busy looking for proof that he was cheating. It dawned on Lisa that if she continues on the path that she's on she would soon do something that would cause some problems between her and her husband, and she would soon be served divorced papers like her friend Elena.



The End.

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